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Richmond Championship Show 2013 Critique

It was great to again judge my original breed in UK – last time was Crufts 2008. The entry was a little modest in number but there were some really quality dogs presented. With the years I have become more and more eager to ask for “breed typical movement” in all the breeds I judge - and not only let judging of action boil down to only looking for soundness. It was surprising to see that in the standard presented by the KC the gait is simply saying: Easy, active and true. Nothing about the springy gait!– I was brought up to respect and ask for “springy” gait which is really asking for the true breed type and I think it is a pity if that is no longer explicitly focused. - So consequently the gait viewed from side is more important to me than just checking the “orthopaedic” correctness coming and going. As always there were deerhounds which are too narrow in hocks but not genuinely unsound since the side gait is easy and true. ( this type of narrowness in hind action is sometimes called breed typical when it actually should be addressed as a breed common fault – as I actually mentioned the very first time I judges deerhounds in Engalnd many decades away) ---- The standard asks for “loin well arched and drooping to tail” - this is in fact easily misinterpreted ( by judges and breeders?) and has resulted in a lot of deerhounds being too cut away in top line - and not seldom resulting in hipbones being evidently placed on a horizontal plane much lower than withers – that is not the best construction and particularly when combined with a bit shortness in coupling this is not creating a true outline. I think quite a few deerhounds all over the world in fact has top lines reminding of what is asked for in some other sighthound breeds. This does not give a balanced shape. Some otherwise beautiful deerhounds at the show had much to flat ribcages - the ribs must have a moderate but evident spring creating the volume of the brisket ( and the right width of the fore chest) – Only a few of the exhibits showed seriously over angulated hindquarters - another tendency inherited from some of the glamorous cousin breeds in the group. The deerhound is supposed to be as beautiful as is natural from the description of a greyhound of lager size and bone – but I remember from the old days that the “workmanlike” quality must not be forgotten in the favouring of exquisite beauty of a more refined idea.—Thank you all for having showed your lovely and beloved deerhounds to me – I had a great time and exquisite support from my stewards.

BEST OF BREED : 1414 TAYLOR Mrs S J Ch Kilbourne Baccarat To Ormanstar
Dog CC : 1402 PEACH Mr M J & Mrs G M Nimloth Bilbo Of Kilbourne
Res Dog CC : 1409 SPENCE, Mrs L A & HEATHCOTE Miss N Ch Hyndsight Riddick
Bitch CC : 1414 TAYLOR Mrs S J Ch Kilbourne Baccarat To Ormanstar
Res Bitch CC : 1421 WILSON Mrs C Hamiltonhill One Vision
Best Puppy : 1383 ADAMS Miss B My Enchanter Of Ardneish
Best Veteran :
Best Breeder :



Class 381 JD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1402 PEACH Mr M J & Mrs G M Nimloth Bilbo Of Kilbourne This young dog is an illustration of the valuable modesty) lack of exaggerations!) in size, construction and in combination with great masculinity - the right bone and substance. A most pleasing dog who is still young ( and will darken a bit in eye – eyes do that with maturation!). In excellent condition and showing the right breed type. Great coat. His layback of sholder and set of neck is of the best idea – as is the balance between fore and hindquarters. This dog has the desirable mild S-shape of his top line , and not what can be seen a C-tendency starting the arch already at withers. He is likely to have a successful future - He was awarded the dog CC and best opposite.

Class 382 YD (1 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1412 TAYLOR Mrs S J Kilbourne Usher To Ormanstar This is a tall dog of impressive size and with great height of legs without becoming leggy – To me he could have a bit more of an S-top line of the arch - but is very well balanced in construction fore and aft. Very nice head and expression and moved very well from side. A bit narrow in hocks. Could have a bit more spring of ribs. Great bone. Typical and charming attitude.

Class 383 PGD (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1396 HELPS Dr S A F & Mrs H B Beardswood Quinlan Masculine of great size. Set of neck a little abrupt ( a little peacocky) Rather straight in shoulder and upper arm and a little cut away in top line. Could also be a trifle longer. Excellent angulation in rear and moving very well viewed from side – a little narrow behind. Shown in excellent condition and coat.

Class 384 LD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1403 PEACH Mr M J & Mrs G M Kilbourne Nico Big quality dog with excellent breed type in action. Beautiful flow of lines with excellent set of neck and – a little flat on top. A bit straight in upper arm and a little stiff in pastern ( not disturbing his action though!). Typical and adequate angulations in rear. Excellent muscles and coat. Particularly nice tail.
2nd: 1420 WILSON Mrs C Hamiltonhill Fred D Mercury Masculine - a little smaller than winner – Very beautiful head – neck set well but could be a little longer in top-line. A little steep in upper arm and a trifle broad in front. Nice height of legs. – a little cut away in top line. Great bone. A little short in gait and a bit bouncing.
3rd: 1418 WILKINSON Mr & Mrs C J Sireadh Chase

Class 385 OD (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1409 SPENCE, Mrs L A & HEATHCOTE Miss N Ch Hyndsight Riddick Mature quality dog showing the great breed typical combination of strength bone substance and beauty. Excellent typical action and great volume in body Very lovely head and expression. Just a little flat on top – supporting himself with great balance on his four legs. Excellent tail, shown in super condition. Awarded Reserve CC and certainly pressing the junior winning the dog CC dog very hard.
2nd: 1404 PEACH Mr M J & Mrs G M Ch Kilbourne Hector To Oelmuhle Handsome male with generous lines and particularly great balance between the correct front and hind angulations. Great lay back of front piece. Excellent head and very nice top line and – great spring of ribs - winner just moved a little bet more convincing. My choice could certainly be discussed.

3rd: 1391 FINNETT, Miss S L & HEATHCOTE Miss N Ch Hyndsight Dark Sky


Class 387 PB (2 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1383 ADAMS Miss B My Ench
anter Of Ardneish - Sweet feminine head. Still very undeveloped in substance but shows nice an correct proportions and outlines. Still shallow in brisket. Very niche height of legs. Lacking spring of ribs still and must develop more bone – Nice breed type in action but puppyish uncollected in front and rear.

Class 388 JB (5 Entries) Abs: 3
1st: 1405 PEACH Mr M J & Mrs G M Nimloth Brooke Of Kilbourne Very pleasing quality bitch with pleasing outlines and proportions – just the right relation height of legs to length. Very pleasing expression with dark eyes. Especially attractive neck line and brisket/underline. Most pleasing movements of breed type and soundness. Beautiful coat.
2nd: 1392 FINNETT, Miss S L & HEATHCOTE Miss N Shagiead Mrs Bridges Feminine dark gray brindle of adequate nice length. Very pleasing head. A bit up right in upper arm and cut away in croup - could have more bent of stifle. Correct breed type in action and sound viewed from side. A bit uncollected in front action.

Class 389 YB (3 Entries) Abs: 0
1st: 1388 ELLSE Miss J Kilbourne Unity Feminine nice bitch with excellent head. A trifle short in loins and could stand out freer behind. Angulations in balance in fore and aft but could have a bit more in angulations. Most pleasing set of neck. Great movements. Shown in admirable hard condition and coat.
2nd: 1411 STEELE Mrs L Brylach Ophelia Of Sorimsway Generously constructed in general with very nice head and expression. Set of neck very beautiful and very good length of back but a little exaggerated in top line arch and thus a bit cut away in croup - could have a bit more angulations in front an rear Moved well.
3rd: 1393 FINNETT, Miss S L & HEATHCOTE Miss N Hyndsight A Girl Like You

Class 390 PGB (4 Entries) Abs: 1
1st: 1398 HELPS Dr S A F & Mrs H B Beardswood Quintessence Feminine nice bitch with generally pleasing outlines ( great set of neck!) and proportions and showing great breed type in action ( a trifle narrow behind) not fully balanced in front and rear angulations
2nd: 1408 ROSE Miss W Hyndsight Summer Breeze Feminine – a trifle soft in coat. A bit flat on top and upright in upper arm Very nice type of action but narrow behind.

Class 391 LB (5 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 1421 WILSON Mrs C Hamiltonhill One Vision This is an interesting deerhound with a bit of dominance on the working idea. Thus strongly built and has excellent volume and substance – a bit long in loins which is strong though and could do with a bit better layback of front part which shows strength and function though. The best kind of set of neck and is excelling in action. Correct coat – awarded the reserve CC
2nd: 1386 BARTER, Mrs S E & CHRISTIAN Mrs A B Hyndsight Wind Dancer Of Ehlaradawn Feminine and built on more elegant lines. Very beautiful head and excellent front. Shorter in loins and a bit much cut away in loin-croup. Beautiful actions from side - a bit narrow behind.
3rd: 1419 WILKINSON Mr & Mrs C J Sireadh Charm

Class 392 OB (8 Entries) Abs: 2
1st: 1414 TAYLOR Mrs S J Ch Kilbourne Baccarat To Ormanstar Illustrates that you can have beauty and breed typical strength in one and the same quality package. Great head and excelling in lay back and set of neck and top line. Free and open in construction in loins and set of hindquarters, Excellent balance in front and hind angulations and showing te best of breed type in action - a little narrow behind. Gained the bitch CC and Best of Breed
2nd: 1384 ADAMS Miss B Ch Ardneish Pantalaimon Mature very nicel developed feminine bitch - ears a little low set but nicely small. Has great layback of shoulders and the best idea of top line and excellently angulated in rear - great typical coat. Moved very well but is a bit narrow behind.
3rd: 1394 FINNETT, Miss S L & HEATHCOTE Miss N Ch Hyndsight Who's That Girl
Res: 1406 PINK Mrs G J Greyhawks Romanie Rawnie
VHC: 1410 SPRING-ARNOLD Mr & Mrs D R NL Ch Jacobite Rosanne To Gentiehun NAF

Judge: Dr Goran Bodegard (Sweden)